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Basics of functions

As we have seen Lean has built in types function f : A → B. We encountered these when dealing with implication in propositional/predicate logic. Given propositions P Q : Prop, a term h : P → Q is a function that inputs proofs of P and outputs proofs of Q.

Similarly, we modeled predicates as functions P : U → Prop which take terms of a general type U and output propositions. And a proof h : ∀ x, P x is function whose inputs are terms x : U and whose output at a given x is a proof of P x.

The last incarnation is particularly instructive of the power of the existence of a function. For a general predicate P, there will be not be a proof of ∀ x, P x. In other words, we will not be able to make a well-defined function.

The Lean notation and the mathematical notation for a function coincide: f : A → B. Here A is called the domain of f and B is called the codomain of f. In other words, the domain of a function is the type of its inputs and the codomain is the type of outputs.

Mathematically, it is useful to approach to construction of a function with more an artistic mentality. Often we will make a function that where the output seemingly depends on more data than the given inputs and then provide a proof that the extra data, while not extraneous, does not change the output when it changes. Checking this is usually called checking that a function is well-defined.

Example. Suppose $x \in \mathbb{R}$ is a real number. Consider the function \(x \mapsto \sqrt{x}\) Where $\sqrt{x}$ satisfies $(\sqrt{x})^2 = x$. Is this a well-defined function? For any input from $\mathbb{R}$, we need to be able to evaluate this function into a single output.

Problem #1: if $x < 0$, then there are no (real number) solutions to $y^2 = x$. Thus, this proposed function cannot be evaluated for $x < 0$. We would say that this is not well-defined for $x < 0$.

Problem #2: Let’s assume that $x \geq 0$. We now have another problem. If $x > 0$, then there are two choices for $\sqrt{x}$, a positive one and a negative one. Thus this is also not a well-defined function for $x>0$.

To fix this, we impose some additional conditions. First, the domain of $\sqrt{x}$ is not all of $\mathbb{R}$. It is all real numbers satisfying $x \geq 0$. The square root function, as it appeared in your calculus class, is then the positive solution to the equation $y^2 = x$ for a given input $x > 0$ and is, of course, $0$ if $x=0$.

In Lean, we cannot write a non-well-defined function - the type checker will yell at us. Suppose you are handed a type U and are asked for some function f : U → U. What can you do? You can hand back the input as the output.

Definition. The identity function is the function whose output is equal to input, i.e. $x \mapsto x$.

The identity function depends on the type of x. Let’s see it in Lean.

variable (α : Type) 

#check @id α  --  id : α → α

With more information about the input type we can generally make more functions.

variable (α β : Type)

-- if we take a product term we can project onto each component 
def proj (z : α × β) := z.1 

#check proj α β -- proj α β : α × β → α

As we can see projection for product types is also built in already using z.1,z.2 or z.fst,z.snd.

Let’s get even more specific. Lean knows about natural numbers and all the usual arithmetic operations we can apply to them. The name for $\mathbb{N}$ in Lean is Nat.

def f : Nat  Nat := fun n => 2*n^3 + 4*n + 3

#eval f 5 -- 273

The command #eval calls a more efficient (but less type-safe) evaluation program to compute the application of f.

Chaining functions

One of the most powerful aspects of functions is the ability to chain them together, one after another after another…

If we have f : A → B, g: B → C, then we can take an input a, feed it into f as f a, and then feed that into g as g (f a). The result is the composition of f and g.

Definition. Given functions $f : A \to B$ and $g : B \to C$, the composition of $g$ and $f$ is the function \(a \mapsto g(f(a))\) The composition is denoted as $g \circ f$ and is typed in Lean as Function.comp and is abbreviated as \circ. Note that composing is only possible if the codomain of $f$ equals the domain of $g$.

Let’s see some examples in Lean.

def f : Nat  Nat := fun n => 2*n^3 + 4*n + 3
def g (n : Nat) : Nat := n^2 + 1 

#check g  f  -- g ∘ f : Nat → Nat 
#eval f 1 -- 9 
#eval g (f 1)  -- 82 
#eval (g  f) 1 -- 82

-- note that the order of composition is essential 
#eval f (g 1) -- 27 

In general $g \circ f \neq f \circ g$ even if both compositions are well-defined so functional composition is non-commutative. It is associative however.

Theorem. Composition of functions is an associative operation. In other words, if $f: A \to B$, $g : B \to C$, and $h : C \to D$ are three functions, then \((h \circ g) \circ f = h \circ (g \circ f)\)

Proof. (Expand to view)

Two functions $f_1,f_2$ are equal if they have the same domains and codomains and if for any element $x$ of the domain we have $f_1(x) = f_2(x)$. More plainly, two functions are equal if - they take in the same types of inputs - they give back the same type of outputs and - for any input, they evaluate to the same output So to prove this we assume we have some $a$ from $A$ and evaluate both sides. The left-hand side is by definition $$ ((h \circ g) \circ f)(a) = (h \circ g)(f(a)) = h(g(f(a))) $$ The right-hand side is $$ (h \circ (g \circ f))(a) = h((g \circ f)(x)) = h(g(f(a))) $$ These are equal so the functions are equal.

What does the proof of associativity look like in Lean?

variable (α β γ δ : Type) 
variable (f : α  β) (g : β  γ) (h : γ  δ) 

theorem Assoc : (h  g)  f = h  (g  f) := by 
  apply funext
  -- the goal is now 
  -- ⊢ ∀ (x : α), Function.comp (h ∘ g) f x = Function.comp h (g ∘ f) x
  intro a 

Here funext is a (more robust) version of the proposition \(\forall f_1,f_2 : A \to B, f_1 = f_2 \leftrightarrow (\forall a, f_1(a) = f_2(a))\) and stands for functional extensionality (similar to set extensionality).

Notice also that rfl closed the goal Function.comp (h ∘ g) f x = Function.comp h (g ∘ f) x even though it is not immediately of the form t = t, i.e. something is equal to itself. This is due to the fact that rfl can also reduce terms to their more basic form, just like we did in our own pen-and-paper proof of associativity of functional composition.

The identity function plays a special rule in composition - composing with it does nothing. Or stated at more high-level: composition with an identity function is also an identity function but now for functions: $f \mapsto f$.

variable (α β : Type) 
variable (f : α  β) 

theorem comp_id : f  (@id α) = f := by 
  apply funext 
  intro x 

theorem id_comp : (@id β)  f = f := by 
  apply funext 
  intro x 

Another useful consequence of functional extensionality is that if $f = g$ then $f(x) = g(x)$ for any $x$. We could extract this result from funext each time we want to use it but that is not very ergonomic. Instead, the result is already built into Lean as congrFun.

variable (α β : Type) 
variable (f f : α  β) 

example (h : f = f) (a : α) : f a = f a := by 
  exact congrFun h a  

The contrapositive of this statement is useful.

variable (α β : Type) 
variable (f f : α  β) 

example (h :  a, f a  f a) : f  f  := by 
  intro n 
  have a,h := h 
  have : f a = f a := congrFun n a 
  exact h this