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Properties of relations

Looking at the examples from before, we can identify some useful properties can satisfy.

Definition. Let $\sim$ be a relation. We say that $\sim$ is reflexive if \(\forall~ x, x \sim x\) In other words, every $x$ is related to itself. If $R_\sim$ is the subset corresponding to $\sim$, then reflexivity is equivalent to \(\Delta_U \subseteq R_\sim\) We say that $\sim$ is irreflexive \(\forall~ x, x \not \sim x\)

Equality is reflexive as is divisibility. But $ < $ is irreflexive.

Definition. Let $\sim$ be a relation. We say that $\sim$ is symmetric if \(\forall~ x,y, x \sim y \to y \sim x\) In other words, if $x$ is related to $y$, then $y$ is also related to $x$.

We say that $\sim$ is antisymmetric if \(\forall~ x,y, x \sim y \to y \sim x \to x=y\) So if both $x$ is related $y$ and $y$ is related to $x$, then in fact they have to be equal.

We say that $\sim$ is asymmetric if \(\forall~ x,y, x \sim y \to x \not \sim y\)

Again equality is symmetric but divisibility. Both $ \leq $ and $\subseteq$ are examples of antisymmetric relations. Strict less than $ < $ is asymmetric.

Note that any relation that is symmetric and antisymmetric is very close to equality. In particular if $x \sim y$ then we must have $x = y$.

Definition. Let $\sim$ be a relation. We say that $\sim$ is transitive if \(\forall~ x,y,z, x \sim y \to y \sim z \to x \sim z\) In other words, if $x$ is related to $y$ and $y$ is related to $z$, then we know that $x$ is related to $z$.

Equality, divisibility, and $ < $ are all transitive.

Definition. We say that $\sim$ is total if \(\forall~ x,y, x \sim y \lor y \sim x\) Total relations are ones where we can compare every pair, one way or another.

So $=$ and $\subseteq$ are rarely total but $\leq$ is total.

These notions are interrelate. Assuming some can imply others or their negations. For example,

Lemma. If a relation is total, then it is reflexive.

Proof. (Expand to view)

Assume $\sim$ is a total relation. Since $\sim$ is total, we know that either $x \sim x$ or $x \sim x$ for any $x$. But either branch is exactly what we want.

This looks like

theorem total_refl { R : α  α  Prop } (h : Total R) : 
  Reflexive R := fun a => eq_or (h a a) where 
    eq_or {P : Prop} (h : P  P) : P := by cases h; repeat assumption 

in Lean. A where keyword allows you to introduce unknown results and use them if you provide their definition and proof after the where statement.

Let’s look at some specific properties of division. Recall that, for two natural numbers (or integers) $n$ and $m$, $n \mid m$ means there exists some $c \in \mathbb{N}$ (or $\mathbb{Z}$) with $m = cn$.

Let’s show that this is reflexive, anti-symmetric, and transitive.

def Divides (a b : Nat) : Prop :=  c, b = c*a 
infix:60 " | " => Divides

theorem div_refl : Reflexive Divides := by
  -- take some number a 
  intro a 
  -- we know that a = 1*a 
  have : a = 1*a := Eq.symm (Nat.one_mul a)
  -- exists takes the witness and looks for the proof in 
  -- the context to close the goal 
  exists 1

theorem div_antisym : AntiSymmetric Divides := by
  -- take two numbers a and b and assume that a | b and b | a
  intro a b h h 
  -- extract the multiples and proofs of equality 
  have c,h := h 
  have c,h := h 
  -- we break it into the case where a = 0 and a ≠ 0
  by_cases h : a = 0
  -- we can write h₁ : b = c₁ * a using a = 0 to get b = 0 
  · rw [h,Nat.mul_zero,h] at h 
    exact Eq.symm h 
  -- we use basic facts about natural numbers to show that 
  -- c₁ and c₂ are both 1
  · rw [h,Nat.mul_assoc,Nat.mul_comm] at h 
    conv at h => lhs ; rw [Nat.mul_one a] 
    have : 1 = c * c := Nat.mul_nonzero_cancel h h
    have : c = 1 := (Nat.prod_eq_one (Eq.symm this)).right 
    rw [this,Nat.one_mul a] at h 
    exact Eq.symm h 

theorem div_trans : Transitive Divides := by 
  -- we have a,b,c with a | b and b | c
  intro a b c h h 
  -- we extract the witnesses 
  have d,h := h 
  have d,h := h 
  -- we get c = (d₂*d₁)*a 
  rw [h,Nat.mul_assoc] at h 
  exists d*d 

We can find facts about $\mathbb{N}$ in the namespace Nat and we will see how $\mathbb{N}$ is defined and how facts like these are proven soon. (In fact, some of these results don’t exist at the moment 🫢.)

Example. Let’s take the set $\lbrace 0,1,2 \rbrace$ and construct relations satisfying some, and not other, properties above.

  • $R = \varnothing$ is irreflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, asymmetric, and transitive. It is not reflexive or total.
  • $R = \lbrace (0,0) \rbrace$. This is symmetric, antisymmetric, and transitive. It is not reflexive, irreflexive, asymmetric, or total.
  • $R = \lbrace (0,1), (1,0) \rbrace$. This is irreflexive and symmetric. It is not reflexive, irreflexive, antisymmetric, asymmetric, transitive, or total.
  • $R = \lbrace (0,1), (1,2) \rbrace$. This is irreflexive, antisymmetric, and asymmetric. It is not reflexive, symmetric, transitive, or total.
  • $R = \lbrace (0,1), (1,2), (2,0) \rbrace$ is irreflexive, antisymmetric, asymmetric, and total. It is not reflexive, symmetric, or transitive.
  • $R = \lbrace (0,0), (0,1), (1,2), (2,0) \rbrace$ is antisymmetric but is not reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, asymmetric, transitive, or total.
  • $R = \lbrace (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1) \rbrace$ is symmetric and transitive but is not reflexive, irreflexive, antisymmetric, asymmetric, or total.
  • $R = \lbrace (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (2,0), (2,2) \rbrace$ is reflexive and total. It is not irreflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, asymmetric, or transitive.