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Basics of relations

We already know what relations are. We saw then as part of predicate logic.

Definition. A relation is a binary predicate. So in Lean we would write

variable (U : Type) 

variable (R : U  U  Prop) 

In sets, one usually defines a relation on elements of a set $X$ as a subset \(R \subseteq X \times X\) The corresponding predicate is then \((x,x^\prime) \in R\)

We write $x R y$ to abbreviate that staement that $x$ is related by $R$ to $y$, the predicate is satisfied for the values $x$ and $y$. Often from the context, we will just write $x \sim y$.

The simple definition allows for a variety of examples.


  • We could simply take
def R (x y : U) := fun x y => False

Since there is no proof of false, no pairs are even related. The corresponding subset of $U \times U$ is $\varnothing$.

  • At the other end of the extreme, we have
def R (x y : U) := fun x y => True 

Here every pair $(x,y)$ is related. The corresponding subset of $U \times U$ is $U \times U$ itself.

  • Equality is perhaps the most familiar example of a relation.
def R (x y : U) := fun x y => x = y 

The corresponding subset of $U \times U$ is called the diagonal \(\Delta_U := \lbrace (x,x) \in U \times U \mid x \in U \rbrace\)

  • Lets take the natural numbers. Thanks to their rich structure there are many possible relations. We have the familiar relation based on size of integers: $n < m$ denotes that $n$ is less than $m$. Lean already knows about this
variable (n m : Nat) 
#check n < m 
-- n < m : Prop

The subset of the $\mathbb{N} \times \mathbb{N}$ is just \(R_{<,\mathbb{N}} := \lbrace (n,m) \mid n < m \rbrace\) If we identity $\mathbb{N} \times \mathbb{N}$ with the lattice points in the first quadrant of $\mathbb{R}^2$, then we can visualize $R_{<,\mathbb{N}$ as all the points above the line $y = x$.

  • We have the close cousin of $ < $ on $\mathbb{N}$ : $\leq$, less than or equal. We simply combined two relations we have seen above using an $\lor$ \(n \leq m \leftrightarrow (n < m) \lor (n=m)\) Since have combined two relations using an or statement we get the union of their corresponding subsets \(R_{\leq, \mathbb{N}} = \Delta_{\mathbb{N}} \cup R_{<,\mathbb{N}}\)
  • The previous example built a new relation from an old one using a particular logical connective. One can, of course, use the other connectives, $\to, \land, \neg$. For example, we have \(x > y := \neg (x \leq y)\) where the corresponding subset is $R_{\leq, \mathbb{N}}^c$, the complement.
  • We can also use arithmetic to build relations on natural numbers. For example, we have divisibility $a \mid b$ if there exists some $c$ with $b = ac$.
  • Similarly, we can use functions to build new relations from old ones. For example, let’s take $ < $ on the real numbers $\mathbb{R}$ and the absolute value function $| \cdot | : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$. Let’s say that $x$ is related to $y$ if $|x| \leq |y|$. This gives a new relation which is equal to $x \in [-y,y]$.

Looking at our examples, we say a variety of behaviors. For some, we have $x \sim x$ for all $x$, like $=$, but for others we don’t, like $<$. For some we can always compare $x$ to $y$ or vice-versa; for others we can’t.

There are a handful of natural properties we can impose on relations which we will discuss next.