Working with Peano $~\mathbb{N}$
We already know a good deal about the natural numbers from life but how do we work with Peano natural numbers. The answer is recursion.
Theorem. Let $Y$ be a set. For all $y \in Y$ and $h : \mathbb{N} \times Y \to Y$, there is a unique function $f : \mathbb{N} \to Y$ such that $f(0) = y$ and $f(s(n)) = h(s(n),f(n))$ for all $n \in \mathbb{N}$.
Proof. (Expand to view)
For an natural number of the form $0$ or $s(n)$ for some other natural number where we know $f(n)$, we can define $f$ directly. $$ \begin{aligned} f(0) & := y \\ f(s(n)) & := h(s(n),f(n)) \text{ whenever $f(n)$ is defined } \end{aligned} $$ Is this a definition for every $n \in \mathbb{N}$? Let $$ X := \lbrace n \in \mathbb{N} \mid f(n) \text{ is defined} \rbrace $$ Then $0 \in X$. And, if $n \in X$, then $s(n) \in X$ from the definition of $f$. Peano's last axiom says that $\mathbb{N} \subseteq X$. Of course, in this case, $X \subseteq \mathbb{N}$. So $X = \mathbb{N}$ and $f(n)$ is defined for all $n$. Now we turn to uniqueness of $f$. Assume we have two different functions $f,g : \mathbb{N} \to Y$ satisfying the conditions of the theorem and set $$ X := \lbrace n \in \mathbb{N} \mid f(n) = g(n) $$ Then $0 \in X$ since $f(0) = y = g(0)$. Assume that $n \in X$, so $f(n) = g(n)$. Then, $$ f(s(n)) = h(s(n),f(n)) = h(s(n),g(n)) = g(s(n)) $$ so $s(n) \in X$. Thus, $\mathbb{N} = X$ as before and $f = g$. ■
Now, let’s see what this means and how to use it. The function $h$ allows for any way to combine the natural number $s(n)$ and value, we already know, for $f(n)$.
Example. Suppose $Y = \mathbb{N}$. Let’s take our initial value to $1$. And let $h(n,m) = nm$, the product of $n$ and $m$.
Then we want a function $f: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$ which satisfies
- $f(0) = 1$ and
- $f(n+1) = (n+1)f(n)$
The function that satisfies this is the factorial $n \mapsto n!$. We write the value $n!$ purely in terms of $n$ alone: \(n! = n \cdot (n-1) \cdot (n-2) \cdot \cdots 2 \cdot 1\) Writing function defined via recursion this way is called its closed form.
In Lean, we can build factorial as
def Factorial (n : Nat) : Nat :=
match n with
| 0 => 1
| m+1 => (m+1)*(Factorial m)
The match n with
tells Lean consider the different ways we can get a natural number from its constructors. Either we have 0
or the number is a successor n = m+1
. In each case, we have provided a value output by Factorial
We see also that Lean knows that 0
really means zero
and n+1
is succ n
. We might also overlook that we used multiplication of natural numbers. Lean knows multiplication already but what did someone tell it.
def Mult (n m : Nat) : Nat :=
match n, m with
| _, 0 => 0
| _, m+1 => Mult n m + n
We use $n(m+1) = nm + n$ to define multiplication recursively.
But now you might have noticed that we added terms of Nat
. What is addition?
def Plus : Nat → Nat → Nat
| n, => n
| n, Nat.succ m => Nat.succ (Plus n m)
where we explicitly used
and Nat.succ
You can find the actual definitions of addition and multiplication in Nat
under Nat.add
and Nat.mul
We can check that with our definition Plus n 1 = Nat.succ n
for all n
theorem plus_one_eq_succ (n : Nat) : Plus n 1 = Nat.succ n := by rfl
If we try the other order for adding one, you get the following error.
theorem one_plus_eq_succ (n : Nat) : Plus 1 n = Nat.succ n := by rfl
tactic 'rfl' failed, equality lhs
Plus 1 n
is not definitionally equal to rhs
Nat.succ n
Why is this? As a hint, we try to break it into the cases for constructing n
theorem one_plus_eq_succ (n : Nat) : Plus 1 n = Nat.succ n :=
match n with
| 0 => by rfl -- ok
| Nat.succ m => by rfl
tactic 'rfl' failed, equality lhs
Plus 1 (Nat.succ m)
is not definitionally equal to rhs
Nat.succ (Nat.succ m)
If we look at the definition we have
Plus 1 (Nat.succ m) = Nat.Succ (Plus 1 m)
These are not the same! But we can use the proof for case of m
to finish. We rewrite the right-hand side of the goal using Plus 1 m = Nat.succ m
. Then Lean sees defintional equality.
theorem one_plus_eq_succ (n : Nat) : Plus 1 n = Nat.succ n :=
match n with
| 0 => by rfl
| Nat.succ m => by
conv => rhs rw[←one_plus_eq_succ m]
This is the our first encounter with induction.