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Game mode

All the proofs we have seen so far have been a little hard for a person to read. As mentioned, Lean can serve as an interactive theorem prover. There is more interactive mode to write proofs called tactic mode. Tactic mode also allows us to structure our proofs in more human-readable form.

To enter tactic mode, we add the keyword by after the := like so.

example : False := by  

In the Infoview pane, you will see something like

β–Ά 1 goal
⊒ False

You can sorry this and notice that Goals accomplished πŸŽ‰ appears for the goal state; though Lean still gives a warning that we are using sorry.

Inside tactic mode, you can use tactics. Each tactic is a built-in helper function for constructing a proof. Let’s look at some in an example step by step.

Suppose we wanted to prove the formula (A β†’ B ∧ C) β†’ (A β†’ B) ∧ (A β†’ C). We start with

example : (A β†’ B ∧ C) β†’ (A β†’ B) ∧ (A β†’ C) := by 

and the infoview provides the current state

A B C: Prop
⊒ (A β†’ B ∧ C) β†’ (A β†’ B) ∧ (A β†’ C)

We have assumptions A B C which are propositions and our goal is (A β†’ B ∧ C) β†’ (A β†’ B) ∧ (A β†’ C).

Next we would normally start with fun (h : A β†’ B ∧ C) =>. In tactic mode, we can use the tactic intro. When our goal is of the for X β†’ Y, intro h will introduce an assumption h : X and change our goal to Y. Here

example : (A β†’ B ∧ C) β†’ (A β†’ B) ∧ (A β†’ C) := by 
  intro h 

and the infoview provides the current state

A B C: Prop
h : A β†’ B ∧ C
⊒ (A β†’ B) ∧ (A β†’ C)

While Lean can infer the type of h from the goal, it is good practice to provide the type yourself. When you disagree with Lean, then its good chance to check your understanding.

Next we want to make proofs of A β†’ B and A β†’ C. Previously, we would jam that into an And.intro making the resulting expression dense. The tactic have allows us to introduce new assumptions into the context if we provide proofs.

example (A B C : Prop) : (A β†’ B ∧ C) β†’ (A β†’ B) ∧ (A β†’ C) := by 
  intro (h : A β†’ B ∧ C)
  have (f : A β†’ B) := fun (a:A) => And.left (h a)
  have (g : A β†’ C) := fun (a:A) => And.right (h a)

and the infoview provides the current state

A B C: Prop
h : A β†’ B ∧ C
f: A β†’ B
g: A β†’ C
⊒ (A β†’ B) ∧ (A β†’ C)

Now just need to combine f and g with And.intro. Since And.intro f g is exactly our goal. We use the exact tactic to tell Lean.

example (A B C : Prop) : (A β†’ B ∧ C) β†’ (A β†’ B) ∧ (A β†’ C) := by 
  intro (h : A β†’ B ∧ C)
  have (f : A β†’ B) := fun (a:A) => And.left (h a)
  have (g : A β†’ C) := fun (a:A) => And.right (h a)
  exact And.intro f g

The infoview celebrates with us: Goals accomplished πŸŽ‰.

Another useful tactic is called apply. It applies a function to the goal to get a new goal. For example,

example (a : A) (b : B) : A ∧ B := by 
  apply And.intro 


case left
a: A
b: B
⊒ A
case right
a: A
b: B
⊒ B

in the infoview. We can tackle each case.

example (a : A) (b : B) : A ∧ B := by 
  apply And.intro 
  case left => exact a 
  case right => exact b

To simplify proofs with or elimination, Lean has the tactic cases.

example (h : A ∨ B) : B ∨ A := by 
  cases h with 
  | inl a => exact Or.inr a
  | inr b => exact Or.inl b

Each line labelled with | is a case of or elimination. inl tells Lean you are taking the left branch of the or while inr is the right.