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Let’s see how Lean understands negation.

variable (A : Prop)
#reduce ¬ A -- A → False

The command #reduce tells Lean to try to peel away notation and write things in a more basic form. So Lean-speak for not of a formula are functions that take proofs of A to proofs of False. With this in mind, $\neg$-elimination is another instance of function application.

example (A : Prop) (a : A) (n : ¬ A) : False := n a  

If ¬ A means A → False, then negation introduction looks very similar to implication introduction.

variable {A : Prop} 
theorem totallyProvenTheorem (a : A) : False := sorry 
example : ¬ A := totallyProvenTheorem a 

Example. Let’s prove the formula (A → B) → (¬ B → ¬ A).

variable (A B : Prop)
example : (A  B)  (¬ B  ¬ A) := 
  fun (f : A  B) => fun (h : ¬ B) => fun(a : A) => h (f a) 

Tilting our heads to the side, we can read this as constructing a function which inputs

  • A function f taking proofs of A to proofs of B
  • A function h taking proofs of B to proofs of False
  • A proof a of A

From f a we get a proof of B. Applying h gives us a proof of False. Thus, our output is a proof of False. Since Lean views ¬ A as A → False, it accepts this construction.

Repeatedly writing the fun => is a little tedious. Thankfully, Lean accepts notation more closely adhering to our sense of multivariate functions.

variable (A B : Prop)
example : (A  B)  (¬ B  ¬ A) := 
  fun (f : A  B) (h : ¬ B) (a : A) => h (f a) 

Recall that we can prove anything from False. In Lean, this is

variable (A : Prop) 
#check @False.elim
-- False.elim : False → A

Appending @ forces Lean to make explicit some arguments it usually infers from the context. (And makes nicer messages to copy.)

Proof by contradiction

Recall that proof by contradiction (or reducito ad absurdum) allows us to conclude $A$ from $\neg A \vdash \bot$. In Lean this is called Classical.byContradiction.

variable (A : Prop)
#check @Classical.byContradiction A
-- Classical.byContradiction : (¬A → False) → A 

We can eliminate double negation using this in Lean.

variable (A : Prop)
example : ¬ ¬ A  A := 
  fun (h : ¬ ¬ A) => Classical.byContradiction (fun (n : ¬ A) => h n) 

Note that fun (n : ¬ A) => h n is function that takes proofs of ¬ A to proofs of False. Applying byContradiction to this yields a proof of A as we want.

We also have access to the law of the excluded middle built in.

#check Classical.em
-- Classical.em : ∀ (p : Prop), p ∨ ¬p

Example. Let’s prove the converse of the previous example (¬ B → ¬ A) → (A → B).

example : (¬ B  ¬ A)  (A  B) := 
  Or.elim (Classical.em B) 
    (fun (b : B) (_ : A) => b) 
    (fun (n : ¬ B) (a : A) => False.elim (h n a)) 

Notice how Lean just “figured out” that we wanted to eliminate False into B.