Sets in Lean
Given a universal set $\mathcal U$, one can go back and forth between predicates on elements of $\mathcal U$ and subsets of $\mathcal U$.
For $P(x)$, a predicate on $x \in \mathcal U$, we define the set \(X := \lbrace x \mid P(x) \rbrace\) This is the set of all $x \in \mathcal U$ satisfying $P$.
For a subset $X \subset \mathcal U$, we have \(P(x) := x \in X\) the predicate which checks membership of $x$ in $X$.
We use this idea to embed basic set theory in Lean as follows. For our universe of discourse $\mathcal U$, we use a type U:Type
and then we define Set U
to simply be predicates
def Set (U : Type) := U → Prop
Here we create a definition, denoted def
, to indicate we are constructing some data. Theorems/examples are just special types of definitions in Lean.
Membership now becomes satisifcation of the underlying predicate.
variable (U : Type)
def Mem (x : U) (X : Set U) : Prop := X x
We introduce standard mathematical notation for membership ∈
typed as \in
. To check membership is then equivelent to providing a proof of the predicate.
variable (U : Type)
variable (X : Set U)
-- going from a proof of X x to x ∈ X
example (x : U) (h : X x) : x ∈ X := h
-- going back
example (x : U) (h : x ∈ X) : X x := h
We have containment of sets.
variable (U : Type)
def Subset {U : Type} (X Y : Set U) : Prop := ∀ x, x ∈ X → x ∈ Y
-- given the notation ⊆, typed \sub
Then, our basic set operations mirror our logical operations.
variable (U : Type)
def Union (X Y : Set U) : Set U := fun (x:U) => x ∈ X ∨ x ∈ Y
-- given the notation X ∪ Y, typed as \cup
def Inter (X Y : Set U) : Set U := fun (x:U) => x ∈ X ∧ x ∈ Y
-- given the notation X ∩ Y, typed as \cap
def Diff (X Y : Set U) : Set U := fun (x:U) => x ∈ X ∧ x ∉ Y
-- given the notation X \ Y
We also have the universal set and the empty set
variable (U : Type)
def Univ : Set U := fun _ => True
def Empty : Set U := fun _ => False
-- with notation ∅, typed as \empty
With this, we can define the complement of a set: all elements not in it.
variable (U : Type)
def Comp (X: Set U) : Set U := Univ \ X
-- given the notation Xᶜ, typed \^c
Then the remainder of set-theoretic constructs
variable (I U V: Type)
def PowerSet (X : Set U) : Set (Set U) := fun (Y : Set U) => Y ⊆ X
-- given notation 𝒫, typed \powerset
def Prod (X : Set U) (Y : Set V) : Set (U × V) := fun z => z.1 ∈ X ∧ z.2 ∈ Y
-- given notation X ×ˢ Y, typed \times\^s
def BigUnion (X : I → Set U) : Set U := fun x => ∃ i, x ∈ X i
def BigInter (X : I → Set U) : Set U := fun x => ∀ i, x ∈ X i
Taking both power sets and products naturally land us in sets of a different type than we start.
Notice for products we have a product type U × V
. Terms of this type are pairs (u,v)
where u:U
and v:V
. Writing z : U × V
we can access the each entry using z.1
and z.2
Before we prove anything, we need one essential fact: set extensionality. This is an axiom of set theory but is a consequence (of other extensionality axioms) in Lean.
variable (U : Type)
variable (X Y : Type)
theorem set_ext : X = Y ↔ (∀ (x:U), x ∈ X ↔ x ∈ Y) := sorry
Let’s see some proves using these notions.
varible (U : Type)
variable (X Y : Set U)
theorem sub_left_of_union : X ⊆ X ∪ Y := by
intro (x:U) (h: x ∈ X)
-- we call the corresponding operation on propositions
exact Or.inl h
theorem sub_right_of_union : Y ⊆ X ∪ Y := by
intro (x:U) (h: x ∈ Y)
exact Or.inr h
theorem comm_union : X ∪ Y = Y ∪ X := by
-- we use set extensionality to get equality from a proof
-- of (∀ (x:U), x ∈ X ↔ x ∈ Y)
apply set_ext.mpr
intro (x:U)
apply Iff.intro
-- this allows us to split into two proofs for each direction
-- of containment.
· intro (h: x ∈ X ∪ Y )
apply Or.elim h
-- now we supply proofs for each branch of the or
· exact fun (g : x ∈ X) => sub_right_of_union x g
· exact fun (g : x ∈ Y) => exact sub_left_of_union x g
· intro (h : x ∈ Y ∪ X)
apply Or.elim h
· exact fun (g : x ∈ Y) => sub_right_of_union x g
· exact fun (g : x ∈ X) => exact sub_left_of_union x g
We introduced some new syntax here. Note the dots. They focus your infoview on a single current goal if you have multiple. They are not necessary but might be helpful. Note that you need to indent if you use dots.